About the Relief Sale

The Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale is an annual, all volunteer event that raises money for Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). The sale began in 1967 at Paul Wenger's farm in Augusta County. The event is currently held at the Rockingham County Fairgrounds the first weekend in October.  An estimated 1,000 volunteers make the event a success for 10,000 attendees each fall.

MCC is a worldwide ministry of Anabaptist churches that share God's love and compassion for all in the name of Christ. MCC works with people at home and around the world to ease oppression, poverty, and conflict. They lead natural disaster relief efforts, community development and peace work in more than 50 countries. All are welcome to attend, volunteer, and enjoy the fun of raising money to help those in need.

The Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale is a tax exempt organization. Check payments or donations should be made out to "Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale" and not contain the phrase "MCC".

2023 Board of Directors

Kayla Baker
Rod Burkholder
Claire DeBrun
Karen Gonzol
John R. Herr
Ken Horst
Jeremy Kratz, Treasurer

Rodney Martin
Willard Martin
Pete McCarthy
Sam Miller
Dave Mininger
Marv Nisly, Vice Chair
Ed Rissler

Jason Ropp
Dave Rush, Chair
Sandra Rush
Sherry Showalter, Secretary
Jim Weaver