2024 final report is in!
Baked Goods
What is a Relief Sale without food and baked goods? We are always looking for makers and eaters!Marketplace
Check out the Marketplace options from Ten Thousand Villages to plants, cheeses and apple cider.

Save the Date!
- Oct 3-4, 2025
- Rockingham Co. Fairgrounds
The Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale is an annual, all volunteer event that raises money for Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). The 2 day event includes an auction of quilts, woodwork, handmade items, and more. A wide variety of homemade food is also a highlight for many people.

To Benefit
Mennonite Central Committee
MCC is a worldwide ministry of Anabaptist churches that share God’s love and compassion for all in the name of Christ. MCC works with people at home and around the world to ease oppression, poverty, and conflict. They lead natural disaster relief efforts, community development and peace work in more than 50 countries.

Thank you to everyone who made the 58th annual Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale a success! In 2024 we raised a total of $490,361 and were able to donate $408,307 after expenses. Here is the final financial report for 2024.
Thank you for your support of the VA Relief Sale and MCC this year. This past year because of your support and God's direction, MCC was able to do the following: 28,583 relief kits helped families facing conflict or disaster. 299,458 people received emergency food assistance. 25,674 students participated in education programs. 46,247 people gained an improved water source. 21, 316 people honed skills in peacebuilding. 658,790 pounds of canned meat provided protein. 53,601 comforters helped keep families warm. 80,060 hygiene kits offered necessary supplies. Thank you for making a difference in 2024!
Thank you to The Walking Roots Band and to the many generous donors. Friday evening, with the matching challenge donations, we raised over $31,000 for the work of Mennonite Central Committee. For the year, we have raised $488,000. Want to make a donation to make it an even half million? Thank you all!
Its tomorrow!!! We are so excited to partner with The Walking Roots Band again this year for a Christmas Concert to Benefit for the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale & MCC Join us for a festive evening with The Walking Roots Band at Lindale Mennonite Church on Friday, December 13th at 6:30 PM. Admission is by donation at the door, with proceeds benefiting the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale. This year, there are TWO donors who together are offering a $15,000 donation match!! So your contribution can have double the impact! Your support will help us reach our year-end goal of $500,000 in funds raised. We encourage you to give generously to help us make a difference in the lives of those in need. We hope to see you there for a night of music, joy, and community! Don't forget to Like 👍and Share!
🎉Its THIS Friday!!!! 🎉 We are so excited to partner with The Walking Roots Band again this year for a Christmas Concert to Benefit for the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale & MCC Join us for a festive evening with The Walking Roots Band at Lindale Mennonite Church on Friday, December 13th at 6:30 PM. Admission is by donation at the door, with proceeds benefiting the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale. This year, there are TWO donors who together are offering a $15,000 donation match!! So your contribution can have double the impact! Your support will help us reach our year-end goal of $500,000 in funds raised. We encourage you to give generously to help us make a difference in the lives of those in need. We hope to see you there for a night of music, joy, and community! Don't forget to Like 👍and Share!
The Walking Roots Band Christmas Concert A Benefit for the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale & MCC Join us for a festive evening with The Walking Roots Band at Lindale Mennonite Church on Friday, December 13th at 6:30 PM. Admission is by donation at the door, with proceeds benefiting the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale. This year, there is a generous $10,000 donation match available, so your contribution can have double the impact! Your support will help us reach our year-end goal of $500,000 in funds raised. We encourage you to give generously to help us make a difference in the lives of those in need. We hope to see you there for a night of music, joy, and community!
We are delighted with the overall success of the sale this weekend however, the Relief Sale Board does acknowledge we did not meet expectations regarding the Friday evening BBQ dinner. While the event did not meet expectations, our volunteers worked hard to ensure a resolution. We are grateful to Sunrise Market & Deli, LLC for their expedient response, which allowed us to provide dinner. We are working to make sure we do not disappoint our supporters in the future. Thank you for understanding and for your support of the Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale.
Thank you to everyone who made the 58th annual Virginia Mennonite Relief Sale a success! I believe this is the highest preliminary total we’ve ever had! It was a beautiful day and many people came to the Fairgrounds to donate to support the efforts of MCC. Not everything ran perfectly, but everyone adapted and made it a great day! I especially want to thank the many volunteers who make this event happen. Without all of the volunteers, this event would not happen. We all work together to raise money for MCC in the name of Christ. Through this weekend's event, we have raised money to reach those Jesus calls us to serve. If you would still like to donate, you can send a check, payable to VA Mennonite Relief Sale, to 601 Parkwood Dr Harrisonburg VA 22802 or donate at vareliefsale.com/donate. Most things that happen at the Relief Sale started when someone took the initiative to say, “I would like to do___.” If you are feeling led, please consider organizing something for the relief sale next year. Mark your calendars. The Walking Roots Band will have a benefit Christmas concert to raise money for MCC on Friday Dec 13, 6:30 at Lindale Mennonite Church. PRELIMINARY totals 2024 2023 2022 2021 Day after Total Income 439,427 389,474 324,000 355,000 Year End Total Income ???? 435,520 430,311 484,300 Auction 122,196 131,882 136,643 138,988 My Coins Count 26,115.04 25,087 23,254 16,052 SOS Giving (including hymn sing) 107,000+ 34,365 33,000 35,520 Special Project 11,150 9,250 3,500 3,300 Friday Night Supper 11,933 16,764 12,388 11,753 Saturday Breakfast 22,269 20,584 15,287 14,222 Auction Highlights 13 items sold for over $1,000 each. Item #2861 “Radiance Queen-Size Quilt” was the highest, selling for $3900. Item #3066 “Log Cabin Star Quilt” brought in $3000. There were 265 items sold in the live auction and 73 of the items were won by online bidders. The silent auction had 180 items which brought in $8600. Additional Highlight The SOS (Sharing Our Surplus) Committee which raises money for refugee relief has been very active this year. They collected many matching donations to encourage giving and held a hymn sing in the spring. People responded very positively to their efforts. They have raised over $107, 000. This is more readable at this link https://vareliefsale.com/2024-preliminary-results/
Don't miss any updates about the upcoming relief sale!